emissary RT: Files

Support Knowledgebase

For trialing purposes, emissary RT may be freely downloaded and used. When unregistered, the system is fully functional with the exception of imposing a limit of returning and/or affecting 50 records for any query. Once purchased and registered, this restriction is lifted.

Registering emissary RT may be performed from any DSN configuration dialog, using the "Register" button. The system will prompt for the license key received when purchasing the product, and can register automatically via the Internet, or manually via email by following the provided instructions. Manual registration may be performed on a different machine than where emissary RT is installed.

Though the installation of emissary RT appears to be successful, the driver may not show in the list of available drivers within the "Data Sources (ODBC)" application.  Please check the following:

  1. Ensure you are using the correct architecture of the "Data Sources (ODBC)" application (Data Source Administrator).  On 64-bit systems, Windows has two versions of the Data Source Administrator for each architecture (32 and 64-bit). Emissary RT is a 32-bit driver, and must be accessed from the 32-bit version.  The 32-bit Data Source Administrator may or may not be found in administrative tools, but is located (by default) at "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe"
  2. Ensure "Microsoft .NET framework" version 4.0 or greater is installed
  3. If running Windows Vista/2008 or greater, ensure you choose "Run As Administrator" when executing the installer
  4. If running Windows XP, ensure that service pack 3 is installed
  5. If running Windows 2003, ensure that service pack 2 is installed
  6. After installing emissary RT, ensure "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86)" update 4 or above is installed.  If it is not, this can be obtained and installed manually from: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679

For solutions 2-6, perform an full uninstall, then reinstall after installing any prerequisites.

To increase efficiency of processing SQL queries against the file system, emissary RT: Files makes use of an in-memory caching system. This cache (if enabled in the Data Source options) monitors the file system and is updated in real-time should files be changed. This cache is initially built when the ODBC connection is established, and is maintained for the lifetime of the connection. If real-time updates are disabled, emissary RT: Files will rescan and update its cache (if necessary) when it executes a SQL query. Due to being more resource intensive, image and audio information is only cached/updated if the SQL query involves those tables, respectively.

When making use of emissary RT: Files in custom applications, as the cache is built at connection time and is maintained for the lifetime of the connection, it is important to reuse the ODBC connection when possible. This can be more challenging in a web application environment, and may require changes to both the web server configuration and API used. An example includes PHP's odbc_pconnect function and a compatible Apache configuration (non-CGI mode), which creates a persistent connection across each request (for the session lifetime).

When executing queries containing related tables (either via JOIN or appropriate WHERE clauses), emissary RT: Files is optimized for predicates comparing the equality of Image.ID and/or Audio.ID against Standard.ID. E.g. "SELECT * FROM Standard INNER JOIN Audio ON Standard.ID = Audio.ID", "SELECT * FROM Image, Standard WHERE Image.ID = Standard.ID", "SELECT * FROM Standard, Image, Audio WHERE Standard.ID = Image.ID AND Standard.ID = Audio.ID", etc. Comparisons of Image.ID directly to Audio.ID are not optimized. Predicates may contain additional expressions, as long as OR operators do not allow for potential additional matches in the join. Any non-optimized predicate with valid syntax may be used, but performance will degrade significantly, as the system must internally perform a full cross join.

Additionally, all tables are indexed against their ID column, and will perform significantly faster with WHERE clauses that select for specific IDs, via inline values and/or parameters. As with related table optimization above, WHERE clauses optimized for ID indices may contain additional expressions, as long as OR operators do not allow for potenital additional matches.

The execution time involved for a SQL query is dependent on the size of the file system (especially if recursion is enabled), the speed of the underlying hardware in querying the file system, if image or audio data is being queried, etc. Because it may be desired to execute a query that may take a significant time to process, emissary RT: Files provides an interactive mode that shows both a progress meter, and allows the cancelation of a query. Note - canceling an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query is not ACID compliant - changes are made to the file system in real-time, and are not automatically rolled back. Please construct a corresponding SELECT query for testing before executing any potentially destructive INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries.

The following attributes may be configured for each data source (and may be reconfigured at run-time):

Option Settings Key Description
Real-Time Updates RealTime "True" = The Base Query Path (and subdirectories if Query Subdirectories is enabled) will be monitored for file updates, resulting in faster queries. "False" = The file system cache will only be updated at query time. A value of "False" should be used if the path being searched will experience a large number of changes while emissary RT: Files is being used (e.g. many file updates/creations/deletions/etc), and only a small amount of queries will be executed.
Precache Image PrecacheImage "True" = Upon connecting to the data source (or when updating the Base Serach Path at run-time), the Image table (contaning image-related data) will immediately be cached for all image files, resulting in slower connect time, but a faster initial query involving images. "False" = the Image table will not be cached until a query involving it is executed, resulting in faster connection time, but a slower initial query involving images.
Precache Audio PrecacheAudio "True" = Upon connecting to the data source (or when updating the Base Serach Path at run-time), the Audio table (contaning audio-related data) will immediately be cached for all audio files, resulting in slower connect time, but a faster initial query involving audio. "False" = the Audio table will not be cached until a query involving it is executed, resulting in faster connection time, but a slower initial query involving audio.
Base Query Path BasePath The directory to execute queries against. For example, after specifying "C:\temp" as a Base Query Path, running a SELECT query would return folders and files within "C:\temp" (and subfolders if Query Subdirectories is enabled), and running a DELETE query would delete folders and files within "C:\temp". This field is required, and must be a valid directory.
Query Subdirectories Recurse "True" = Subdirectories under the Base Query Path will also be included when executing a query. "False" = Only folders and files within the Base Query Path will be included when executing a query.
Copy Mode Copy "True" = When performing an UPDATE query on the "Standard" table that changes the value of "Path", "Name", "Parent", "Base", or "Extension", or on the "Image" table that changes the value of "Format", the corresponding file will be copied with the new pathname/extension, leaving the original file. "False" = When performing an UPDATE query on the "Standard" table that changes the value of "Path", "Name", "Parent", "Base", or "Extension", or on the "Image" table that changes the value of "Format", the corresponding file will be renamed with the new pathname information.
Interactive Mode Interactive "True" = When updating the cache, or executing a INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query, a progress meter will be shown to the user. The dialog will allow users to cancel queries. "False" = no dialog boxes will be displayed to the user. "False" must be used when making use of emissary RT: Files in custom applications that cannot interact with the desktop, such as PHP or ASP.NET web apps.
Read-only Access ReadOnly "True" = INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries are disabled. "False" = INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries are enabled.


SELECT Statement

SELECT select_expression [, select_expression . . .]
[FROM table_expression
[WHERE general_expression]
[ORDER BY general_expression [ASC | DESC], . . .]
[LIMIT [row_offset,] row_count ] ]

Note: SELECT statements used with a FROM command will retrieve data from the table(s) specified in the table_expression (see below). Usage without a FROM command will return a single row, executing any specified expressions in the select_expression (see below). At least one select_expression is required.

UPDATE Statement

UPDATE table_expression
SET column1_name=general_expression [, column2_name=general_expression . . .]
[WHERE where_expression]
[ORDER BY order_expression [ASC | DESC], . . .]
[LIMIT [row_offset,] row_count ]

Note: UPDATE statements used with an ORDER BY command will control the order in which file operations are performed. This can be useful if the order of updating filenames may otherwise cause a name collision with pre-existing files. If the SET command includes any expressions with column names, the value of the field in the currently updating row will be used. LIMIT will constraint which files are updated from the total UPDATE rowset.

INSERT Statement

INSERT INTO table_name
[(column1_name, ...)]
{VALUES | VALUE} (general_expression, . . .)

INSERT INTO table_name
SET column1_name=general_expression [, column2_name=general_expression . . .]

Note: INSERT statements may use either syntax shown above. If the first syntax is used without specifying column names, the number of VALUES/VALUE expressions specified must equal the number of columns in the table. For read only fields, the value specified is ignored.

DELETE Statement

DELETE {table_name[.*] | *}
FROM table_expression
[WHERE general_expression]
[ORDER BY general_expression [ASC | DESC], . . .]
[LIMIT [row_offset,] row_count ]

Note: DELETE statements used with an ORDER BY command will control the order in which file operations are performed. LIMIT will constraint which files are deleted from the total DELETE rowset.

Select Expressions

{general_expression | [table_name.] { * | column_name} } [[AS] alias]

Note: Table and column names may be delineated using the ` character.

Table Expressions

{table1_name} [[AS] alias] [, {table2_name} [ [AS] alias] . . .]
[[INNER | LEFT [OUTER] | CROSS] JOIN table_name
[ON general_expression] . . .]

Note: Table and column names may be delineated using the ` character. Comma separated tables specified after the first table in a table_expression before JOIN commands will be treated as CROSS JOINed tables.

General Expression Operators and Functions

Literal Operands/Arguments Precedence Description
= binary 1 Assign. Recognized in UPDATE and INSERT statements
= binary 7 Equal. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
<> binary 7 Not equal. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
> binary 7 Greater than. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
>= binary 7 Greater than or equal. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
< binary 7 Less than. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
<= binary 7 Less than or equal. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
LIKE binary 7 String comparison with wildcard matching. '%' matches 0 or more characters. '_' matches 1 character. Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
+ binary 11 Add. Parses strings to numeric equivalent.
- binary 11 Subtract. Parses strings to numeric equivalent.
* binary 12 Multiply. Parses strings to numeric equivalent.
/ binary 12 Division. Parses strings to numeric equivalent.
% binary 12 Modulo. Parses strings to numeric equivalent.
IS binary 7 Equal (NULL safe). Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
IS NOT binary 7 Not equal (NULL safe). Case insensitive for strings, case sensitive for BINARY type. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
AND binary 2 Logical AND. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
OR binary 4 Logical OR. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
NOT unary 5 Logical NOT. Returns boolean value (0 = false, 1 = true)
CONCAT Variable Function String concatenation. CONCAT(string1, ....)
CONVERT 2 Function Type conversion. CONVERT(value, type)
LOCATE 2/3 Function Return starting position of substring. LOCATE(substring, full string, [start index])
SUBSTR 2/3 Function Return substring. SUBSTR(string, [start index,] num of chars)

SQL Types


Miscellaneous ODBC Support

"{d '1995-01-15'}" style date literals, unnamed parameters via '?' literals, single prepare/multiple execution model with parameter updating, thread-safety. Contact Synthetic Dreams regarding any further ODBC support questions.

Field Type Read-only Description
ID Integer Yes Primary Key (unique ID) for row. Foreign Key to 'Standard' table
Format Char Yes Audio container format type (WAVE, MP3, OGG)
Codec Char Yes Audio codec type (MPEG-1, Microsoft PCM, u-Law, Vorbis, etc)
Duration Double Yes Length of audio in seconds
Channels Integer Yes Channel count (1 = mono, 2 = stereo/dual mono)
SampleRate Integer Yes Number of samples per second (Hz)
BitDepth Integer Yes Number of bits per sample (where resolution applicable)
BitRate Integer Yes Number of bits per second across all channels

Usage Notes

  1. INSERT and DELETE statements may not be run against the 'Audio' table. For creating and deleting files, please see the 'Standard' table
  2. In the case of variable bitrate audio, bitrate value will reflect the first sample found in the file
  3. Fields may not be populated if row corresponds to a directory, or non-audio file type. The 'ID' field also serves as a foreign key into the 'Standard' table, and a JOIN may be used between the two tables
Field Type Read-only Description
ID Integer Yes Primary Key (unique ID) for row
Date Timestamp Yes Date/time the error occurred
Error Char Yes Error description and details
Query Char Yes SQL query that caused the error

Usage Notes

  1. INSERT and DELETE statements may not be run against the 'Errors' table
  2. The 'Errors' table is automatically purged prior to executing UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements. The table should be checked for error details immediately after an unsuccessful query fails to execute
Field Type Read-only Description
ID Integer Yes Primary Key (unique ID) for row. Foreign Key to 'Standard' table
Format Char No Image format type (JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP). Will convert file (and change extension) when used in UPDATE statements, or copy into new file when copy mode is enabled
HorizRes Integer No Horizontal resolution in pixels. Will resize image (maintaining vertical resolution) when used in UPDATE statements
VertRes Integer No Vertical resolution in pixels. Will resize image (maintaining horizontal resolution) when used in UPDATE statements
Size Double No Current normalized size of image. Will grow/shrink an image when used in UPDATE statements. See notes below
Comment Char Yes Embedded image comments (if supported)

Usage Notes

  1. INSERT and DELETE statements may not be run against the 'Image' table. For creating and deleting files, please see the 'Standard' table
  2. Changes made to the 'Size' field in UPDATE statements will grow or shrink the image, maintaining the aspect ratio, by a factor of the value specified. E.g. for an image originally 200x300, specifying 3 for 'Size' in an UPDATE statement would resize the image to 600x900. Specifying 0.5 for 'Size' in an UPDATE statement would resize the image to 100x150. A value of 1 will always be returned for 'Size' from a SELECT statement
  3. Fields may not be populated if row corresponds to a directory, or non-image file type. The 'ID' field also serves as a foreign key into the 'Standard' table, and a JOIN may be used between the two tables
Field Type Read-only Description
Key Char Yes Data source setting keyword. See Settings and Options
Setting Char No Data source setting value. See notes
Description Char Yes Full description of data source setting

Usage Notes

  1. INSERT and DELETE statements may not be run against the 'Settings' table
  2. Initial values of the 'Setting' field will reflect data source settings as configured from the ODBC manager
  3. Changes made to 'Setting' field will immediately update data source settings for the duration of the connection (settings will revert to permanent values upon disconnect). Changes to Base Path or Recursion will cause emissary RT: Files to rebuild all caches
Field Type Read-only Description
ID Integer Yes Primary Key (unique ID) for row
Path Char No Full pathname. Must be specified for INSERT statements. Will normally rename/move file when used in UPDATE statements, or copy the file when copy mode is enabled
Parent Char No Parent directory. Will normally move file when used in UPDATE statements, or copy the file when copy mode is enabled
Name Char No Filename. Will normally rename file when used in UPDATE statements, or copy the file when copy mode is enabled
Base Char No Filename without extension. Will normally rename file when used in UPDATE statements, or copy the file when copy mode is enabled
Extension Char No File extension (include leading dot). Will normally rename file when used in UPDATE statements, or copy the file when copy mode is enabled
Size Integer Yes Filesize in bytes
CreateDate Timestamp No File creation date/time
ModifyDate Timestamp No File last modified date/time
Directory Integer Yes* 0 = File, 1 = Directory. *Must be specified for INSERT statements to create directories
ReadOnly Integer No File Attribute: Read-only (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Hidden Integer No File Attribute: Hidden (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
System Integer No File Attribute: System (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Archive Integer No File Attribute: Archive (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
Compressed Integer Yes File Attribute: Compressed (0 = No, 1 = Yes)

Usage Notes

  1. INSERT and DELETE statements run against the 'Standard' table will create and delete files/directories, respectively
  2. As noted, the 'Path' and 'Directory' fields must be specified, at minimum, for INSERT statements. Any non read-only field may also be specified in INSERT statements to be applied to newly created files/directories
  3. Changes made to fields will automatically reflect (upon the next query) to fields which contain aggregate information - e.g. if an UPDATE statement changes the 'Extension' column of a row, the 'Path' and 'Name' columns of that row will automatically reflect these changes in the next query run (and vice versa - changes to 'Name' would automatically reflect in 'Extension')

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